Thursday, January 8, 2009

Physician Associates, LLC Selects Allscripts Electronic Health Record to Connect and Automate 80 Physicians

Allscripts announced today that Physician Associates LLC, one of the largest multi-specialty group practices in the Southeast United States, has selected the Allscripts Enterprise(TM) Electronic Health Record (EHR) to automate and connect their 80 physicians in 18 offices across Central Florida.

"Physician Associates is committed to making healthcare more efficient and effective for our patients, and the implementation of Allscripts is a major step in that direction," said Chris Jordan, Chief Information Officer of Physician Associates.

"With the Electronic Health Record, our patients can expect quicker, more seamless care as well as improvements in our ability to track and improve the quality of care we deliver."

The Allscripts Enterprise Electronic Health Record will replace paper recordkeeping for Physician Associates by automating everyday clinical tasks such as prescribing medications, ordering and viewing laboratory tests, and documenting patient care. The solution also will connect the group's physicians and other caregivers to each other, to laboratories, pharmacies, insurers and other key healthcare stakeholders, while delivering secure, immediate access to patient information at the point of care - whether in the office, at the hospital or remotely.

Physician Associates has used Allscripts Vision(R) (formerly Misys Vision(R)) practice management solution for more than 10 years with great success and wanted an Electronic Health Record that would integrate seamlessly with the administrative billing and scheduling system.

The group had begun to evaluate the Allscripts Enterprise Electronic Health Record when the merger of Allscripts and Misys Healthcare was announced last March. The merger made the decision to select Allscripts a "no brainer," said Jordan, though not only because of the seamless integration with their practice management system.

"Our physicians, who were generally not happy about giving up their paper charts, were amazed at how quickly and easily they could navigate through the chart in the Allscripts system to find the information they needed," said Jordan.

"For me, a big selling factor was that Allscripts is a Microsoft .NET product, because it's much easier for us to administer and it allows the vendor to make changes to the software faster and more easily."

Allscripts Chief Executive Officer Glen Tullman said the selection of Allscripts by Physician Associates is the latest proof that physician groups who use legacy Misys practice management solutions naturally turn to Allscripts when they go looking for an electronic health record.

"One big reason, in addition to our integration with their existing PM system, is that they know Allscripts has the resources and the commitment to continue to innovate and upgrade our solutions so physicians can do what they most want to do - practice the safest, most effective medicine possible," he said.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Charitable giving lasts a lifetime

As part of its 2008 Charitable Giving program, which focuses on 'Doing Well by Doing Good', PR Newswire employees voted on charities located in each area where the company has substantial operations. As a part of the program, employees volunteer their time to the organization as a group and the company makes cash donation. The Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland and the Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity were among the charities selected by PR Newswire's Cleveland office, and have already benefited from PR Newswire's volunteers and resources.

"The Ronald McDonald House relies on devoted volunteers to provide a supportive home and other resources for children who need special medical attention and their families," said Mary Jo Pecek, family services assistant, Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland. "PR Newswire's local staff has graciously given their time by lending a helping hand at events for the families staying at our facilities."

To date, PR Newswire employees assisted the Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland by hosting a dinner for the families of sick children being treated at local Cleveland hospitals. At the event, PR Newswire volunteers barbequed food and interacted with the families. In the Cleveland office of PR Newswire, employees continue to help the Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland by collecting soda can tabs to help them fundraise. Additionally, to further serve the 37 families staying at the Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland on any given night, PR Newswire employees post and collect items from the children's wish lists, which keep the house stocked with essential items.

The Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland isn't the only organization benefiting from the good will of PR Newswire employees. Thus far, PR Newswire employees have participated in two "Build Days" with the Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity. In the next few weeks, there are several days planned where PR Newswire volunteers will assist the Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity on site, laying gravel and helping with handy work.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sport & Fitness Ranks as Top-Growing Online Category for the Season

ComScore, a leader in measuring the digital world, this week released online spending data by category for the online holiday shopping season, which showed that trends in online spending outperformed offline in several key product categories. The study compared comScore e-commerce data to overall consumer spending data published by MasterCard Advisors' SpendingPulse Unit for the period of Nov. 1 -- Dec. 24 vs. year ago.
SpendingPulse is an information service provided by MasterCard Advisors, a subsidiary of MasterCard Worldwide. A macro-economic indicator, SpendingPulse reports on national retail and service sales and is based on aggregate sales activity in the MasterCard payments network, coupled with estimates for all other payment forms, including cash and check.
According to comScore, the top growing online product category for the season was Sport & Fitness, which grew 18 percent versus year ago.
The category continues to benefit from consumers' focus on health and fitness and consumers feeling more comfortable purchasing higher-priced fitness equipment, such as treadmills and elliptical machines, online.
The second fastest-growing category was Video Games, Consoles & Accessories, which grew 14 percent on continued demand for popular consoles, such as the Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Apparel & Accessories, the only other product category with positive online growth, generated higher sales as a result of retailers' aggressive discounting and promotions, and helped by unfavorable weather across much of the country.

Top Online Product Categories for 2008 Holiday Season
Online Non-Travel Spending
Excludes Auctions and Large Corporate Purchases
Dec. 1-24, 2008 vs. Nov. 26 -- Dec. 19, 2007
Total U.S. -- Home/Work/University Locations
Source: comScore, Inc.

Product Category Y/Y Percent Change
Sport & Fitness 18%
Video Games, Consoles & Accessories 14%
Apparel & Accessories 4%
Books & Magazines -1%
Consumer Electronics -5%
Flowers, Greetings & Gifts -7%
Toys -7%
Computer Hardware -8%
Home, Garden & Furniture -14%
Event Tickets -18%
Jewelry & Watches -24%
Computer Software (Excl. PC Games) -24%
Office Supplies -30%
Music, Movies & Videos -32%

A comparison to the MasterCard Advisors' data revealed that the online trends in several product categories outperformed overall consumer spending in those categories, including:

-- Sales of Apparel & Accessories up 4 percent online, compared to a 19-21
percent decline in overall sales of the category.
-- Consumer Electronics declined 5 percent online and Home, Garden and
Furniture declined 14 percent online. This compares to a 26-percent
decline in overall sales of Electronics/ Appliances.
-- Jewelry & Watches declined 24 percent online, compared to a 34-percent
decline in overall sales of Luxury Goods (including Jewelry & Watches).
Wealthiest Households Spent More Online this Holiday Season

comScore also analyzed non-travel e-commerce spending by household income segment for the holiday shopping season, revealing that growth in online spending only occurred (up 7 percent) within households making at least $100,000 in annual income, while lower income segments logged significant declines in spending.
Those households earning less than $50,000 per year appear to be the most affected by the current economic environment, with their online spending declining by 13 percent versus year ago.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

58% of Americans Not Cutting Back on Holiday Spending This Year, New Survey Reveals

While most Americans have been directly affected by the sharp decline in the nation's economy, a majority still feel a sense of obligation, both to their family and the country, to maintain holiday gift giving and celebrations, according to a survey of 1,762adults.

More than 54% of survey respondents know someone who has become unemployed in the past 6 months. However, 58% report they expect to spend the same amount this year on the holidays as they did last year, according to the survey, which was sponsored by Dollar Savvy, a new magazine and website ( dedicated to providing Americans with effective money-saving ideas.

Respondents are aware of the connection between their holiday shopping plans and the economy:

-- Over half (51%) say they have a responsibility to keep shopping to
help the economy.
-- 57% of respondents say regardless of the nation's economic reality,
they have an obligation to provide their families with a wonderful
holiday season.
-- 20% of respondents acknowledged they are dipping into savings to pay
for holiday celebrations.

Survey respondents expressed a sense of optimism about the future, and noted that the economic downturn is helping readjust priorities in a positive way. Among the findings:

-- 61% say the holidays will be more joyful this year.
-- 78% said hard economic times remind them of what is really important.
-- 73% said America will be stronger once we solve our economic problems.
-- 90% percent say the holidays are about family and faith, not gifts and

When it comes to gift-giving, Americans will continue to give store-bought gifts, but 20% said they plan on giving more homemade gifts this year. In keeping with their perspective on the economy, 53% said they expect the number of gifts they receive this year to be less than last year; 41% said they expect it to be about the same.

Additional holiday spending results:

Amount Spent
-- 9% plan on spending more
-- 46% plan to spend the same amount on gifts as last year
-- 43% plan on spending less
-- The average amount expect to spend is $553

Gifts to Children
-- 56% plan on giving the same number of gifts to children as they have
in the past.
-- 22% plan to give less
-- 13% plan to give more
-- 8% don't know

Gifts to Spouse
-- 52% plan on giving the same number of gifts to their spouse
-- 27% plan on giving less
-- 7% plan on giving more
-- 14% don't know

Gifts to Friends
-- 51% plan on giving the same number of gifts to friends
-- 37% plan on giving less
-- 3% plan on giving more
-- 8% don't know

"Despite economic hard times, Americans continue to have a deep, heartfelt connection with the holiday season," said Neil Wertheimer, Editor in Chief of Dollar Savvy and "While they believe that the gifts will be fewer this year, and the meals a little less extravagant, the joys of the holidays will be every bit as great, if not greater, than in years past."

The survey was conducted on December 9 and 10 by Socratic Technologies, a full-service marketing research agency that regularly conducts global Web-based surveys. The respondents were a cross section of women and men who subscribe to one of five broad-interest consumer magazines operated by the Home & Garden Group of the Reader's Digest Association Inc. Survey respondents had a median age of 52 and median household income of $75,400. The survey had a 2.3 percent margin of error.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cycle III accreditation indicates better outcomes for chest pain patients

Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital today became the first hospital in Texas and one of a handful in the world to be named a Cycle III Chest Pain Center -- the highest accreditation possible for treatment of chest pain -- by the Society of Chest Pain Centers.

To patients, the designation means that Texas Health Arlington Memorial ranks among the best in the world at rapid recognition and collaborative treatment of heart attack. Nationally, accreditation by the Society of Chest Pain Centers is linked to better patient outcomes and more lives saved, according to an Emory University School of Medicine study published in the American Journal of Cardiology in July.

Starting with the first call for help to 911, medical professionals across multiple disciplines snap to action: Paramedics administer life-saving therapies even before the patient reaches the hospital, and physicians and nurses in the emergency room and cardiac catheterization laboratory begin preparing for the patient before he or she arrives.

"Every second counts when it comes to treating a heart attack -- time is heart muscle," said Hoyt Frenzel, M.D., medical director of the Emergency Department and co-chair of the Chest Pain Center at Texas Health Arlington Memorial.

Collaboration between emergency medical providers and the hospital's emergency department, cardiac catheterization lab, cardiac intensive care unit, telemetry and cardiac rehabilitation unit is critical to the success of chest pain centers.

"We're innovators when it comes to treating heart patients," said Kirk King, FACHE, president of Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital. "We have worked with local emergency medical providers, who now administer aspirin therapy in the field before the patient arrives at the emergency room door. The responding paramedics also transmit an electrocardiogram from the patients' home to the ER. Once the patient arrives at the hospital, we perform diagnostic cardiac tests at the bedside, which allows us to reach a definitive diagnosis quicker.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Online Tool from U.S. Preventive Medicine Helps Individuals Promote and Maintain Healthier Lifestyles

At a time when growing numbers of Americans want to improve their health, here is a perfect New Year's gift of real and lasting value -- a subscription to The Prevention Plan, a new online wellness and health management tool.

Developed by U.S. Preventive Medicine, the leader in disease prevention, The Prevention Plan is the first-of-its kind health program solely focused on preventive care. The program enables individuals to determine their top health risks and receive a customized plan and ongoing personal attention to lower those risks and become healthier.

With this tool, individuals prioritize their health risks through a comprehensive health evaluation that includes a health risk questionnaire, blood tests, biometrics, and physician review and recommendations. At the heart of the intervention strategy is a nurse advocate who works closely with participants by telephone and online to boost the effectiveness of the program's hands-on action plans. The advocate also educates, motivates, and helps participants navigate the complex maze of healthcare.

Other tools include alerts for preventive screenings, reward programs, and discounts with national partners.

"Even as Americans are reining in spending in response to current economic conditions, record numbers of them are expressing an interest in taking better care of themselves and lowering their ever-rising healthcare costs," said Christopher Fey, Chairman and CEO of U.S. Preventive Medicine. "The Prevention Plan is the perfect tool to help them achieve both of those goals."

U.S. Preventive Medicine designed the program to become a private, secure, online depository for individuals to store their medical information and track their progress over time. Since The Prevention Plan is independent of other forms of insurance, all information is completely confidential.

A monthly subscription to The Prevention Plan is $29.45 per month. For more information, please visit

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Longevity Seekers Advised to Consume Modest Doses of Red Wine Molecules in Dietary Supplements Rather than Mega-Dose Resveratrol Alone

According to the latest science, resveratrol pill users are best advised to consume modest doses of resveratrol plus an array of antioxidant molecules as typically provided in 3 to 5 glasses of aged, red wine, rather than resveratrol alone.

The most recent study shows mega-dose resveratrol alone fails to prolong the life of laboratory mice. In fact, mega-doses shortened the life of animals compared to a standard calorie diet with no resveratrol.
"While resveratrol an antioxidant molecule concentrated in red wine (about 1 milligram per glass), is touted for its health properties, partially explaining the French Paradox (why French wine drinkers have cardiac mortality rates 30% lower than North Americans despite their high-calorie, high-fat diets), it is not the sole molecule responsible for longevity," says Bill Sardi, spokesperson for Longevinex(R), a leading brand of resveratrol dietary supplement.

"The total array of red wine molecules found in the best red wine, about 60 milligrams per 5-ounce glass, or 180-300 milligrams in 3 to 5 glasses, is the suggested healthy dosage range," says Sardi.

Consistently, studies show modest doses of red wine lower mortality rates over abstention or over-consumption. [American Journal Epidemiology 1986 Sep; 124(3):481-9] Red wine pills offer the advantage of no alcohol, no calories or sulfite preservatives.

The negative effect upon lifespan with mega-dose resveratrol may emanate from over-inhibition of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), an inflammatory factor. Excessive TNF leads to inflammation, while too little impairs the immune system, says Sardi.

"We know that over-inhibition of TNF in humans increases the risk for lymphoma (cancer that originates in lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell)," says Sardi.
"When laboratory mice were given mega-dose resveratrol they did not live as long and largely succumbed to lymphoma. Resveratrol is a known TNF inhibitor," adds Sardi.